Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing therapy, also known as EMDR for short, is a revolutionary type of therapy that helps individuals resolve traumatic events from their past. It originated in the late 1980’s and was treated with much skepticism when it first emerged. Understandably so, as the techniques involved in EMDR therapy almost look like the therapist is performing a vodou magical ritual.

EMDR is now a widely accepted form of therapy due to the extensive research and personal stories from individuals supporting its effectiveness. Despite its appearance, EMDR therapy is not a form of magic, nor is it hypnosis. The process of EMDR involves the use of bi - lateral stimulation of an individual’s nervous system. EMDR engages the parasympathetic nervous system to help a person release tension in their muscles and the nerves, which are often tense as a result of traumatic memories. EMDR is also a kinder and softer approach to resolving traumas than Exposure and Response Prevention therapy (ERP) or Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) because it does not require a person to fully relive their traumas.

EMDR is best understood after it is experienced by the individual person. No one’s trauma is exactly the same, and healing from trauma is unique to each person. At Shire Family Counseling, we offer free 15 - minute consultations where you can ask any questions you want about EMDR and what it might look like for you.

EMDR is not exclusive to healing trauma. It can also help a person struggling with OCD, acute traumas, and even pain management. Contact us today for a free consultation.