Couples and Marriage Therapy

Relationships are meant to bring us joy, love, and support, but they can also be the source of emotional pain and suffering. Most couples experience ups and downs, misunderstandings, and conflicts that can cause damage to their intimacy and connection. If you are struggling in your relationship, or if you want to strengthen your bond, couples counseling can be an incredibly helpful practice.

Shire Family Counseling welcomes couples of all backgrounds and orientations.

Why Couples and Marriage Counseling Can Be Beneficial

Couples counseling helps to improve communication

Communication is the foundation of every healthy relationship. However, many couples struggle to communicate effectively. Couples counseling can teach you how to communicate needs, wants, and concerns without triggering defensiveness, anger, or avoidance. Counseling can help you overcome communication barriers and improve the quality of your interactions.

Couples counseling helps with conflict resolution and problem-solving

No two people are the same, and disagreements are a natural part of any relationship. Couples counseling can provide you with practical tools and strategies for managing conflicts and disagreements. Couples counseling focuses on problem-solving and decision-making skills that can help you overcome challenges in your relationship effectively.

Couples counseling can help reignite the spark and inspire emotional reconnection

Over time, the romance and passion in a relationship can fade, and couples become disconnected emotionally. Couples therapy can help you rekindle the emotional spark and deepen your connection. Counseling can also help you identify emotional wounds or traumas that might be affecting your relationship and work to heal these wounds.

Couples counseling can help you develop healthier patterns in your relationship

Couples counseling focuses not just on solving current problems, but also on developing healthier patterns for the future. Counseling can help you identify negative relationship patterns such as codependence, passive-aggressive behavior, or emotional avoidance. We’ll work together to help you and your partner develop new habits and routines that support a healthy, positive relationship.

Couples counseling can help you prepare for major life events

Couples counseling can also be beneficial for couples who are facing major life events such as getting married, having a baby, or blending families. Counseling can help you anticipate and prepare for the changes that come with these events. A therapist can help you navigate the potential challenges and conflicts that can arise and develop strategies for coping with stress.

Couples counseling provides a safe, non-judgmental space where you and your partner can explore your relationship's strengths and areas of growth.